Set in a futuristic world where humans live in isolation and interact through surrogate robots, a cop (Willis) is forced to leave...
Colour from the Dark (2008)
Pietro and Lucia live on an isolated farm with Alice, Lucia\'s younger sister. Poor farmers, they live tilling the soil. Piet...
Magic Man (2009)
In order to see magic idol Krell Darius perform his world-famous magic act, a beautiful aspiring young-magician, Tatiana, travels...
Sorority Row (2009)
A group of sorority sisters try to cover up the death of their house-sister after a prank gone wrong, only to be stalked by a ser...
Gamer (2009)
Set in a future-world where humans can control other humans in mass-scale, multi-player online gaming environments, a star player...
Audie & the Wolf (2008)
When the moon is full, a friendly wolf turns into a savage, bloodthirsty man and goes on a killing spree in a starlet\'s Holl...
Not Forgotten (2009)
In a Tex-Mex border town, a man and his wife must face their tortured pasts in order to save their kidnapped daughter. ...
Inglourious Basterds (2009)
In Nazi-occupied France during World War II, a group of Jewish-American soldiers known as \"The Basterds\" are chosen s...
Race to Witch Mountain (2009)
A UFO expert enlists the help of a cabbie to protect two siblings with paranormal powers from the clutches of an organization tha...